NOW is the Best Time for a STRIKE.


So-called leaders in Washington have aided and abetted a health crisis that we downplayed until the middle of the year and denied their own citizens the basic right to healthcare. CEOs and corporates have lobbied Congress against a decent response against climate change and the ongoing crisis. "Police reformists" and Back the Blue have defended and enabled corrupt police forces to be able to slaughter colored Americans in the middle of the street as protestors have gathered to just be teargassed back to their homes so the current administration can get a photo-op in front of a church.

People denounce things on social media. People say "this bad." People say "vote." But here's the truth.

When has voting stopped fascism? When has voting stopped the totalitarian takeover of the free world? When has voting stopped the teargassing of protestors? When has voting stopped corrupt police forces? I can answer that for you. It hasn't. It never will. We have to do more than just "vote" or "this bad."

It's Labor Day Weekend and this month is the only month we have to speak out against the injustices and double standards of the system. And voting won't do that. The only way we can truly influence the duopoly's decision making is to go on strike. If we can't get healthcare, we must demand healthcare. If we can't get a response to the climate crisis, we must demand a response to the climate crisis. And saying "vote for the corporate who is colored in blue!" can't get anywhere. It won't. This is the best opportunity we as a country have to prove that we can change and improve ourselves and meet the standards of Europe and Canada but we're just waiting until the day that Trump is out of office. Let's face the facts:

Trump is not causing these double standards to occur. If anything, he is a symptom of the real disease here and that disease is neoliberalism, Reaganomics, and corporates controlling the two parties of America. This entire debate has been going on since 1948, when Henry Agard Wallace said: "Both parties are the champions of big business. The Republican Party admits it. The Democratic Party attempts to conceal it." But it's been 72 years since we realized that we wouldn't go anywhere with "red, blue, red, blue". It's time that we finally speak up.


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